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May 15, 2009

Ibrahim Syamsuddin (KBS) pass away in Kuala Lumpur

Thursday, 14 May 2009 | 7:53 PM

BANDA ACEH - An Aceh Transitional Committee (KPA) member and Aceh Party legislative candidate, Ibrahim Syamsuddin (45), passed away at the Syah Alam Hospital in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on Thursday. Aceh Party spokesman Abu Razak said here on Thursday that he had received word from the KPA representative in Malaysia, Syarifuddin, about Syamsuddin’s death.

Razak said Syamsuddin passed away at 10.45 Malaysian time on Thursday morning, leaving behind his wife and four children in Malaysia. According to Razak, Syamsuddin had been suffering from Hepatitis-B and frequently underwent medical checkups both in Malaysia and in Banda Aceh.

But after the legislative elections in April , 2009, Syamsuddin was admitted to Syah Alam Hospital in Malaysia until he took his last breath on Thursday morning. Asked where Syamsuddin’s body would be buried, Razak said that based on information he had received, it would take place in the Klang area in Kuala Lumpur.

Syamsuddin was a legislative candidate of the Aceh Party for the North Aceh and Lhokseumawe elecotoral regions and he was elected to be a member of the Aceh provincial legislative assembly.


1 comment:

  1. Innalillahi wainnailaihi raji`un.Semoga Allah menempatkan beliau bersama orang-orang yang syahid


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